Saturday, March 23, 2013

It' been a while....

I know it has been a long time since I posted anything on this blog, I guess I am not the best at managing doing my masters and teaching at a very demanding school at the same time plus BLOGGING. However, since it is spring break I thought I would give you all a couple of post starting with this one.

My classes at Vanderbilt have taught me so much about being a better Science teacher, and teaching at a STEM school has very demanding with grant requirements. When you mix these two things sometimes true MAGIC happens. I would like to show you some pictures of one of the amazing STEM project I did with my kids for our PBL (Project Based Learning) unit the second nine weeks. The unit was on forces and motion. After learning about gravity, speed, potential and kinetic energy and forces the students had one week to create a working marble roller coaster. I am so proud of them because these students had zero templates for these roller coasters, just card stock, an engineering journal, and a lot of tape!!! Each day they would build and test, figure out what worked, then redesign.

I thought this would be a good post to start with so you could see how proud I am of my students and what they can accomplish!!! I will be posting some of the experiments and learning goals they covered throughout my break. I hope everyone is enjoying their year!!!

Thanks a bunch

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